A new Wacker-Racker is born
A new Wacker-Racker is born

A new Wacker-Racker is born

Our team is growing and growing... 25 employees, 3 generations, 2 office dogs. Time to introduce you to our newest, smallest and loudest team member: Malte.

Our Wacker-Racker joined us on 20 April. We have been waiting for this day for 9 months. The little one has only enriched our team for a short time and we can't imagine life without him. His strengths are very present. Malte has us Wacker family under control. No more than 2 seconds and every team member is in love with him from head to toe. Congratulations again to the parents Melly & Matteo 😊 We are sure: The little Wacker rascal will bring a lot of variety, inspiration and fun into our daily office routine.

Malte's To-Do List

Malte knows how to celebrate his debut in a sensible way: he adapted his outfit directly to the team and there was also a little welcome party πŸ™‚

Birth of Malte


  1. Heidemarie Eckardt

    Hura, hura, little Malte is here. So I ordered all the love in the world for Malte right away. πŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸŽˆπŸ€πŸ€πŸ€πŸ€

  2. Barbara Bredow

    The most beautiful of all gifts: A healthy, hungry, marvellous CHILD! A piece of the most wonderful of all conceivable WONDER....
    Heartfelt congratulations and: ENJOY IT, - as tired as you will be sometimes....
    Congratulations from a grandmother of four!

  3. Pingback: We celebrate one year of Wacker Stories - Wacker Stories

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