What has a lot of fibre?
What has a lot of fibre?

What has a lot of fibre?

Imagine there's an ingredient that helps you feel energised and takes your wellbeing to the next level - all without much effort. Sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it?

But that's exactly what fibre does. These inconspicuous little heroes can change your everyday life. Not only are they important for a balanced diet, they also give your body exactly the support it needs to feel fit and well nourished.

In this article, you will find out which foods are the best sources of fibre, exactly how they work and why they are the key to a healthy lifestyle. If you think fibre is boring - stick with it, because it might surprise you!

What has a lot of fibre

What is dietary fibre?

Dietary fibres are plant-based food components that our body cannot digest. That sounds unspectacular at first - perhaps even a little useless, right? But it is precisely these "indigestible" parts of plants that make all the difference!

There are two types of fibre: soluble and insoluble. Both play an important role, but each of them in a different way.

  • Soluble dietary fibreThis type of fibre dissolves in water and forms a gel-like substance. Among other things, this ensures that what we eat stays in our stomach for longer and that you feel fuller for longer.
  • Insoluble dietary fibreThey absorb water and swell up, similar to a sponge. They help to move the food through the digestive tract more quickly and give it plenty of volume.

Why is fibre important for your body?

Think of fibre as a personal fitness programme for your gut. Not only does it help everything run smoothly, it also provides your gut bacteria with a good basis for staying healthy. And healthy gut bacteria means a happy body! They are like the "guardians" of our health.

And the best thing about it? Many high-fibre foods come with a whole load of nutrients that are good for your body. This means that fibre is an important component of a balanced and healthy diet.

What has a lot of fibre?

Fibre is found in many plant-based foods, and in great variety! So if you want to add fibre to your diet, you have plenty of tasty options to choose from. Here are some of the best sources:

  • OatmealOat flakes are real all-rounders. Not only are they delicious for breakfast, they also contain lots of soluble fibre. Just give them a try and be amazed at how good they make you feel.
  • Lentils and beansThese pulses are the heroes of fibre. They are particularly rich in fibre and protein and are perfect for use in savoury dishes.
  • Chia seeds and linseedThese small seeds are real powerhouses. They swell up in your stomach and keep you full for a long time. Whether in smoothies, yoghurt or as a topping for salads - there are so many creative ways to enjoy them!
  • Psyllium husksPsyllium husks are particularly rich in fibre and are great for mixing into smoothies, yoghurt or muesli.
  • Apples and pearsThese fruits contain both soluble and insoluble fibre. The trick is to leave the skin on, because that's where most of the fibre is hidden.
  • Broccoli and carrotsVegetables also contain a lot of fibre. Broccoli and carrots are wonderful additions to almost any meal and not only provide fibre, but also many valuable vitamins.
  • Wholemeal productsInstead of reaching for white bread and pasta, try the wholemeal variety. This contains significantly more fibre and keeps you full for longer.

How much fibre does your body need?

The German Nutrition Society (DGE) recommends that adults should consume at least 30 grams of fibre a day. Does that sound like a lot? Don't be fooled, with a balanced diet this is easier to achieve than you think.

What contains fibre

How can I integrate more fibre into my daily routine?

What is high in fibre, tastes good and is easy to integrate into your daily routine? The search may sound like a mammoth task - but it's so easy! Here are a few tips:

  1. Start the day with a fibre boostA bowl of oatmeal with fresh fruit is not only delicious, but also gives you a good portion of fibre.
  2. Switch to wholemealInstead of white bread and pasta, choose wholemeal products - they not only taste good, but also provide you with plenty of fibre.
  3. Eat more pulsesLentils, beans and chickpeas are great side dishes or main courses. They are not only high in fibre, but also a good source of protein.
  4. Simply snackRaw vegetables such as carrots or a handful of nuts are perfect snacks between meals and provide you with an extra portion of fibre.

Conclusion: Fibre is your friend!

Dietary fibre is much more than just "ballast". It's your daily companion to a healthy body, and the best part - it's found in so many delicious foods! Whether you choose oatmeal for breakfast, a lentil stew for lunch or a chickpea dish in the evening - with fibre you are on the safe side when it comes to a balanced and nutritious diet.

So, what are you waiting for? Make room on your plate for the inconspicuous heroes of your diet!

To make it easier for you to easily consume more fibre, you should definitely take a look at our various products. How about our delicious sprouted porridges tasting pack, for example? Not only will you be doing something good for your body, but your sense of taste will also be delighted. Try out the different varieties, give your body the full nutritional power and discover your personal favourite.


Want to find out more about fibre? You can find more information and valuable tips at ernaehrungsexperte.de!


German Society for Nutrition (DGE) (2023). Dietary fibre in the diet reduces the risk of death. Available at: DGEs://www.dge.de/presse/meldungen/2022/ballaststoffe-in-der-ernaehrung-senken-das-sterberisiko/). (accessed on 28 October 2024).

German Society for DGE Available at: https://www.dge.de/wissenschaft/fragen-und-antworten-zu-ballaststoffen. (accessed on 28 October 2024).

Woman buying peppers: AdobeStock, BGStock72, #62315104
Woman at a market stall: AdobeStock, Gorodenkoff, #710332200
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